Double Slit Experiment |
2006-11-04 |
The infamous double slit experiment in Physics is one of those things that energized me when I saw it.
It shows how matter sometimes behaves like a particle and other times like a wave. Strangely, it's whether you're looking or not that makes the difference....
When you're not looking, they behave like a wave and appear to be everywhere at once - infinite positions in superposition. The instant you look, the wave collapses into a single location and reality is formed.
Think about this for a moment. The act of observing causes reality to be constructed. If you're not observing, all there is is potential.
See for yourself, click play:
Your act of observing causes the universe to manifest potentiality into reality. Better yet, you can choose to observe or not, or what to observe; in effect you manifest the reality around you through your choices.