A rhyme heals faster than time |
2007-01-22 |
Even before Paul's "high speed chase" on foot, I knew that our camera was long gone, probably before either of us looked up but a few seconds later.
A quick recap of how the unarmed robbery went down. A team of four guys worked the internet cafe. One distracted the owner, another distracted the owners father, the third distracted Paul and I by tapping us on the shoulder and pointing to a key on the ground asking us if it was ours, while the fourth culprit grabbed the camera and ran with Paul giving chase moments later.
We know it is only material goods and are grateful that we were not hurt, but of course Paul and I were still bummed about our camera being stolen.
They say, whoever "they" are, that time heals all wounds. I have found this to be true. However, after my sister Louise sent us a poem about our camera extravaganza, I have decided that "they" should change the saying from time to rhyme heals all wounds.
Read Louise's poem and you will see what I mean.
Thanks for putting a huge smile on our faces Sis!!
Thanks for your call today, your voice I really miss, Big hugs and kisses back, love your proud Big Sis.
A quick recap of how the unarmed robbery went down. A team of four guys worked the internet cafe. One distracted the owner, another distracted the owners father, the third distracted Paul and I by tapping us on the shoulder and pointing to a key on the ground asking us if it was ours, while the fourth culprit grabbed the camera and ran with Paul giving chase moments later.
We know it is only material goods and are grateful that we were not hurt, but of course Paul and I were still bummed about our camera being stolen.
They say, whoever "they" are, that time heals all wounds. I have found this to be true. However, after my sister Louise sent us a poem about our camera extravaganza, I have decided that "they" should change the saying from time to rhyme heals all wounds.
Read Louise's poem and you will see what I mean.
Thanks for putting a huge smile on our faces Sis!!
Clinkety clank, is this your key? We barely blinked and off he did flee.
There we sat engaged in the internet store, Distracting us surrounded a team of four.
We didn't lose our passports or any cash, But off went our camera in an instant flash.
We had read about this scam, we knew to beware, At least they didn't take our second underwear.
You didn't get hurt and this is my only concern, Thankfully this only resulted in an easy lesson to learn.
Order your new apparatus and ship it to my place, I will forward it on to you at a lightening pace.
The only reward I ask is the sharing of your new pics, Oh and of course you admitting that you dont know tricks!
Thanks for your call today, your voice I really miss, Big hugs and kisses back, love your proud Big Sis.
Who knew that your sister was so talented. Not just another pretty face Louise, I'm impressed. Miss you guys and looking forward to the next blog and more pictures once the camera arrives.
Hi Jo & Po, former housemates at the Yepez family's...greetings from Washington, DC!
I'm sorry about your camera. I was thinking that the camera manufacturer might be willing to give you one if they learn about your travels and your blog.
I'd be happy to contact them on your behalf and use my persuasive skills. Perhaps, they would benefit from the advertising.
Just let me know which equipment you need and how to reach you by e-mail.
I have enjoyed readign your blog so much..thanks for all the stories.
Happy travels,