Experiencing contrast |
2007-02-19 |
When we were exploring Cuenca in Ecuador, we met a girl named Manon who was born in Montreal but now lives in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. She generously offered to have us stay with her whenever we passed through the country she now calls home.
So here we are in Buenos Aires after going to Gualeguaychú (3 hours north of BA) to experience our first Carnaval, but I am getting off topic; that will be another blog.
We are at Manon's place and in heaven! For the first time in over three months we find ourselves in a setting that has us nostalgic about a time when we once had a home.
During that time, many details in our day to day living were not given much notice; these things were taken for granted. After traveling for over three months, these small details have become apparent, giving us a whole new appreciation for them.
We can wash our own clothes in a washing machine and know that all our stuff will not be returned 2 sizes smaller, as has happened twice already.
We can lay our heads down on a pillow that hasn't been shared by thousands!
We don't have to lock our bags every time we leave the room, regardless of how short of a time we're gone for.
A patch of grass to call your own and spread your toes in, a refrigerator, or listening to music on a stereo.
Then there's the biggy - if you haven't already thought about it, you will surely nod your head in agreement after reading it. Actually sitting on a toilet seat!!
None of these outweigh the traveling experience, but are simply some of the many contrasts that our journey brings to our awareness.
While we are enjoying these small details as luxuries right now, in 2 days we will take a 17 hour bus ride from Buenos Aires, south to Puerto Madryn, stretch our legs for 6 hours before hopping on another 17 hour bus ride to Rio Gallegos, followed by another 7 hour bus ride southwest, crossing into Chile at Puerto Natales. There, we will grab a night's rest - in a bed.
After getting some last minute supplies we take our final four hour bus ride to Patagonia's most famous destination: Torres Del Paine National Park. Here we'll backpack through what many describe as the most scenic wilderness on earth. Lots more contrast on its way.
So here we are in Buenos Aires after going to Gualeguaychú (3 hours north of BA) to experience our first Carnaval, but I am getting off topic; that will be another blog.
We are at Manon's place and in heaven! For the first time in over three months we find ourselves in a setting that has us nostalgic about a time when we once had a home.
During that time, many details in our day to day living were not given much notice; these things were taken for granted. After traveling for over three months, these small details have become apparent, giving us a whole new appreciation for them.
We can wash our own clothes in a washing machine and know that all our stuff will not be returned 2 sizes smaller, as has happened twice already.
We can lay our heads down on a pillow that hasn't been shared by thousands!
We don't have to lock our bags every time we leave the room, regardless of how short of a time we're gone for.
A patch of grass to call your own and spread your toes in, a refrigerator, or listening to music on a stereo.
Then there's the biggy - if you haven't already thought about it, you will surely nod your head in agreement after reading it. Actually sitting on a toilet seat!!
None of these outweigh the traveling experience, but are simply some of the many contrasts that our journey brings to our awareness.
While we are enjoying these small details as luxuries right now, in 2 days we will take a 17 hour bus ride from Buenos Aires, south to Puerto Madryn, stretch our legs for 6 hours before hopping on another 17 hour bus ride to Rio Gallegos, followed by another 7 hour bus ride southwest, crossing into Chile at Puerto Natales. There, we will grab a night's rest - in a bed.
After getting some last minute supplies we take our final four hour bus ride to Patagonia's most famous destination: Torres Del Paine National Park. Here we'll backpack through what many describe as the most scenic wilderness on earth. Lots more contrast on its way.
Manon's home - priceless! One has to have traveled for months on end to fully appreciate a home, and you come through, loud and clear :)Thanks for putting it on paper for us.
Enjoy your trip- I don't envy all that bus riding but the end result will be well worth it- I read about Chile's Torres del Paine National Park-they say it is a hiker's paradise. Enjoy paradise!
I see you still like the luxuries of modern living-a fridge,bed,washing machine etc .Great! that means you will eventually come back to modern civilization and its amenities.
Congrats on the engagement of your sis/sister-in-law Sandra to Domenic.What wonderful news! Stay well. Love you. Penny xoxo/MOMxoxo
Remember our freezing cold, our horrible traffic jams, our smoked meat, bagels, Mount Royal, our humid heat in summer, our sometimes never ending winter which we are experiencing right now. Every place in the world has its good and bad. What makes the bad tolerable is sharing it with the people you love and what makes the good even better is sharing it with the people you love as you are doing with us. Thank you!
Hi Po and Jo
i finally got here...after months of your dad giving me the url...some of us are slower than others...i need to seriously catch up on this blog...i am so happy you found Manons place...arent these kinds of gems nice...
talk to you soon...thanks for this amazing site!!! cant wait to see pix...
hugs and kisses to you both!
ps: Darby is doing excellent...her and WInnie are best friends now...well...at least according to Winnie...i think Darby is her idol....being that she is so slim, svelt and all...you know how it is...i try to take the ladies together as much as i can when i am on my two weeks off monthly...they have so much fun together like its high school again...ciao ciao for now
hey guys!!! how have u been? having fun? Anyways, my dad got his hip surgery. he got this new thing called hip resurfacing. not many done in the US. He is doing well though! wish u were here Joanne to give him physical therepy. some weird physical therepist comes over twice a week to help him. He is getting his other hip done next month. So, enough about that. Have you guys been keeping up with the US "gossip" (hate that word)and movies? remember i told u guys when u come back u will be sooooooo clueless to what has been going on. If you havent, latest news is Anna Nicole Smith died, (u probably know that) Britney Spears SHAVED her head and is now in rehab. Suposidly, "K.Fed" (her soon to be X) threatened to make her take a drug test via her hair, meaning "K.Fed" would get full custody of there kids! (obviously she has been on stuff) hahahhah! Im such a loser! I'm sitting here reading this saying, "i have no life." hahaha!!! ANYWAYS, when r u guys done traveling? Any plans for visiting Encinitas?
Buenos dias!
Donde estas mi amigos? You have set the standards high by posting a message often. Now, you kee me waiting for months. My adiction to pojogo.com is getting the best of me...where are you and what adventures have you gone on this month. I can't wait to catch up in Africa :)!!!