Fitz Roy trek and next steps |
2007-03-15 |
We just finished three days hiking around Mount Fitz Roy in Los
Glacieres National Park in Argentina. Awesome! Hot, sunny great
treks with mountain and glacier views. We woke at 4:30am to catch the
sun rise yesterday, hiked up with headlamps to a lookout under the
mountain. The peaks of the granite burned fire red at sunrise.
We're back in El Chalten for the night to resupply and tomorrow morning take a bus north to the southern part of Lago Desierto, hike the day north past the lake and into Chile and make camp. The next day we will hike another 5-6 hours north to Lago O'Higgins to catch the once-a-week ferry to Villa Ohiggins, the southernmost town in Chile that is connected by road (only for the last few years) to the rest of Chile.
We're hungry and tired, so short and sweet this update is. We'll send another email Sunday if there is email in Villa O'Higgins, but there is no bank machine, and only 500 inhabitants, so I won't be surprised if there is no Internet. Otherwise we will touch base again from Coyaique later in the week.
We're back in El Chalten for the night to resupply and tomorrow morning take a bus north to the southern part of Lago Desierto, hike the day north past the lake and into Chile and make camp. The next day we will hike another 5-6 hours north to Lago O'Higgins to catch the once-a-week ferry to Villa Ohiggins, the southernmost town in Chile that is connected by road (only for the last few years) to the rest of Chile.
We're hungry and tired, so short and sweet this update is. We'll send another email Sunday if there is email in Villa O'Higgins, but there is no bank machine, and only 500 inhabitants, so I won't be surprised if there is no Internet. Otherwise we will touch base again from Coyaique later in the week.
Definitely, the nature bug got hold of you. The sites are spectacular! Happy camping, from all my heart.