Getting ready to go |
2007-09-09 |
We've really enjoyed the summer in Montreal, and are getting ourselves ready to head off again. The plan has us heading to the Caribbean (Turks and Caicos, Dominican Republic and Cuba) between the end of September and middle of November, then on to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia) for the winter, and up to China for spring. Woohoo!
We're looking forward to scuba diving around Turks and Caicos, which is supposed to be some of the best the world has to offer, and I'm going to learn to kite surf in Cabarete, Dominican Republic. THAT should be fun!
We hope to follow summer weather around, and pack even lighter than before, taking just a small school-sized backpack each. I'm still flapping on whether I'll bring my Thinkpad X61 Tablet notebook with, or forsake any real productivity and have just the HTC TyTN Pocket PC phone for email, notes and news. We'll see as the prep progresses.
Good to hear that you´re "on the road again" (so they say in North America, right?),
wish you all the luck, health + safety you need,
Hi. I read your post about coming to the DR and am interested in spending some time with you. I live in the colonial zone, which is about a 4-5hr ride from carabete. I would like to serve as your personal guide but you need to tell me your arrival time and where you prefer to spend your 1st few days. You can come to the 'zone' it's a kind of metropolitan area with colonial architecture and they have a fairly interesting cultural center where you can view some dominican history. Also by the time you come there should be a world class art exhibit at the museum of modern art. I can arrangee to have a friend of mine who speaks several languages including French to join us. Let me know what you like to eat, they have local, chinese, italian, American fast foods, pizza, hot dogs, spare ribs, etc. I can arange transportation from the Zone to carabete or put you on a bus. I can also recommend some places for you to stay in both the Zone and carabete. Pleas eadvise.
Looking forward to seeing you in Oct.
I'm so excited for both of you. Can't wait to start checking your blog regularly again. I'm so happy that you made a pit stop here for the summer. It made my summer really special. Have a safe flight and we'll hear from you on the Caribbean. Don't forget sunscreen