No normal schedule |
2006-09-03 |
Hello All!!
I miss touching base with everyone, I have been searching for a time that is free to share a little with you all of what's going on. Since it's been quite a while since being able to email, this is a little long, you may want to tackle it in small doses, or at least grab a tea.
We had a wonderful time in Linz and Vienna. We spent a ton of time with Paul's family which was lovely. The train ride to Berlin was awesome, 9.5hours of a peaceful ride through the countryside. The first half of it was heavenly the train was clean, quite luxurious as far as trains go and mostly empty. The second half we had to switch to another train which would not be described that way at all. I sat beside a wheezĂng old guy, my other option was to sit beside a very large guy, you know the kind, the guy who infringes on your space, and the train smelt of smoke. But at least we arrived well rested to begin the socialization party with Paul's old co-workers.
We were greeted so warmly by all. It's really nice to see Paul interact with everyone.
When we arrived in Berlin, unfortunately Paul accidentally left his brand new cell phone in the cab. He realized it 30 seconds after the cab drove away. We tried to call the company, but we didn't know which company it was, all the cabs are beige colored. We didn't get a receipt....sadly someone is now the proud owner of a fancy cell phone. Quite honestly I think a part of Paul's subconscious might have done this purposely :) I mean come on, you do the math. We come to one of the largest; if not possibly the largest trade shows which is filled with all the latest and greatest gadgets and toys. For Paul it's like being in a candy store. So the next day we went to the trade show and Paul figured out which Christmas gift he would get early this year. We found out where we could go buy one, and the hunt began.
That night we met everyone at a bar exchanged stories with all and got to catch up. Berlin is infamous for its night life. So by 2am people were still going strong. Paul and I decided to head back to the hotel. We were having a nice time, but just didn't feel quite right in our skin. After going for a little walk to figure out what was up we came to the very important realization that we were both still very wound up from the entire experience of the last few months. After such an intense amount of constant time pressured tasks to be completed, we really needed to let go and take deep breaths, and many of them. While Linz and Vienna gave us some free time to ourselves, it was not much and the time pressure was still present.
We always had to look at our watches and constantly plan our day around other engagements. We were still on other's schedules of when they wake up, when they eat their meals..... I don't mean to sound ungrateful; everyone has been more than kind in opening their homes to us. It just makes for a continued rushed sensation and doesn't let you take the deep breaths.
Normally this would never effect us in such a drastic way, it was just because of the last few months and still being very wound up. All that to say, Paul and I wanted to stay and hang out with everyone, but decided that it was more important to listen to our bodies and head back to enjoy a little of our own time.
At Thomas's wedding, Paul re-united with a guy he met when he was 12 years old and visiting Linz. It was one of Thomas's closest friends who had since moved to Berlin, Sven. We exchanged numbers and made plans to meet up in Berlin. Again, Berlin having the reputation of a nightlife that is unlike any other place. Sven wanted to take us to the craziest of clubs for the "true Berlin experience". It's called the Kit Kat Club. Sven explained how we should dress, but given that our wardrobes are quite limited and that even if we had all of our clothing accessible, there is nothing like this in either of our closets. We did the best we could. Thank goodness Sven knew the owner because there is no way we would have gotten in otherwise.
Let me explain the club a little and you'll get the picture.
I guess if I had to describe it, I would call it a fetish bar. People were dressed in the craziest costumes of leather with many parts missing where you and I would probably want to have covered, and many didn't even bother with the costume, they just took their clothes off. There was much observing going on. We finally got some sleep at around noon this afternoon; I slept for a solid 5hours woke up because my stomach was grumbling so loudly, no surprise there. I felt and looked like a train had hit me straight on, so we slowly made our way to food then back to bed. I woke again just now, at 8pm and feel like a vampire having not really seen the light of day. All part of the experience.....which I am way too old for, or at least I feel that way right now :)
Paul and Bill are still sleeping.
I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.
Love Joanne & Paul (when he wakes up!)
I am glad you made it well to Berlin - what the ? was Sven thinking of taking you to that club !? I suppose that tomorrow (Tue) is your day going to Spain - I wish you a quiet, self-determined schedule + lots of sleep :-)
Hello you both! What I am glad to hear from you! Everyday my thoughts are with you. I hope now you will continue a little more quietly and without any hurry, I only get k.o. by reading your lines. Again - A LOT of LUCK and SUCCESS. Kisses and a very big hug!
Dear Paul and Joanne,
I placed your website on my favorites. As I have shared previously, you are two of my favorite past clients and most interesting friends. I was blessed to know and spend time with you. I look forward to keeping tabs on your lives and travel. Please be safe and I will keep you in my prayers.
Tom Thompson
PS: Hannah Joy is now seven weeks old.
Hi, you sweethearts! Hope you're doing fine!? Heard that you, Paul have problems with a slip disc? True? Oh my God, I know these problems! Got them too. The best you can do is massage and walking... and: one can buy these smal rubber balls with smal nobs on them in every apotheque for no money. roll on this ball. It really hurts but it helps! I was a masseur several years ago and know a little about it.
Where are you guys at the moment? Hope you're enjoying your time!! I am dealing with my devorce and this takes a lot of energy and pain. But, it is as it is and I am trying to make the best out of it. I came home from the Amadeus-tournee 2 weeks ago, now trying to find job again and moving along... Got the CD from Thomas! Lovely photos!
Well... enough for this time! Stay in touch, nose up in the air and sniff! Kisses and hugs, Sven!