Not Enough Words |
2006-08-24 |
Right now I am sitting at a cafe in Linz looking over the Danube. The sun is shining; Paul is sitting with his cousin Thomas getting a chance to catch up on the last 2 years of their lives, sharing anecdotes and enjoying each other's company. All around me is a gentle buzz of people chatting in German. I may understand a word or two, but only if I pay really close attention.
Already the language barrier leaves me unable to express myself fully. It makes me realize how often we pass up the opportunity to share of ourselves because of our own personal barriers.
So I would like to take a moment to express with my whole heart.....danke...Thank you! With the experience of selling our house, our belongings, transporting ourselves, our dog and our stuff to Montreal and then hitting the road, I have often thought of how incredibly lucky Paul and I are to have such an incredible support system.
We have been surrounded by caring neighbors in Encinitas who were always offering to lend a helping hand. For the first time since moving away from our homes in Montreal, we were part of a community again. Our friends were a great sounding board and we enjoyed getting excited with them of what lay ahead.
Arriving in Montreal into the loving arms of our families was just what the doctor had ordered. The support from our families is more than we could have ever dreamed of. They have been with us on our virtual rollercoaster ride and they don't get off when it slows down. They continue to be on if for the long haul. Our families have helped to make our dream come true with their over flowing love and support. While my heart is filled with gratitude and appreciation, there are not enough words.
So I will keep it simple...thank you all for being you and helping us to be us!
Keep the entries coming I love hearing about them. Jonah is great and the peanut is growing quickly. I think it's a boy. I'll keep you posted.
Hey PoJo!
Today was my first look at your blog. I love it! I can't wait to tune in more often and see what you are up to. You guys are such studs!
Nice work on the PoJoGo site! It is quite stylish. I look forward to tracking your lives over the PoJoWoTo (World Tour). Make sure to stop and see the kangaroos along the way. :)